

„Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.“


Having this said, imagine one day you look back and realize what have you missed not doing what you wanted or wished, not giving enough time to someone or something to develop, not taking a risk, not trying enough, not being ready at that point…

No matter are we talking about people, opportunities or chances in any segment of life, I think it would be very interesting to know what you could have done in order to make things different and question is would you do it?

And in ten years time, let’s say you have second chance, would you do it now? What’s your heart saying? What is the feeling when you realize you could have something or someone you wanted just that you have had more courage? Is it regret, is it sorrow, is it still possible?

I dont’t have answers on anything said above but going through life, I have learnt that timing is everything and reason why you or someone else didn’t do what maybe should have been done, is probably because it wasn’t right time. But then again, will it ever be right time? Should that be excuse for your actions and missed opportunities and chances?

In life there will be wrong decisions, wrong turnings, missed opportunities, there will be people you wanted to be near, places you wanted to visit, projects you wanted to work on but you didn’t…

Life is a journey, not a destination and as long as you are living, you have a chance to change everything you wish to be changed. Still, whatever you do, think twice, should you do it now? Is it wiser to leave some things in past because if they were meant to be in first place, they would have happened, or not? Should you try your luck this time? Are you ready now? Wiser?

So many questions and no crystal ball, right?

Well, I can’t advise you because I don’t know either but whatever you do, make sure it makes you happy. That is all.

Kiss, T. 🦩


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